Steam Reveals Its Highest-Grossing, Most Played Games Of 2022 – Forbes

Cyberpunk 2077
As part of its year-end sale, Steam has revealed a whole bunch of information about its top-performing games of the year, including what has made the most revenue, and which have had the most players. Some of the top games are on sale, others aren’t, but it’s interesting information all the same.
I find the highest grossing list the most interesting, which is separated into different tiers. This is not just “sales” but also for ongoing games that keep raking in revenue year after year, many of them quite old at this point. Here are the “tiers” for 2022:


Modern Warfare 2
There are way, way more Silver and Bronze games, too many to list, but those were the highlights. As you can see, we have a good amount of old games still raking it in here, Rockstars RDR2 and GTA 5. Cyberpunk 2077’s recent resurgence landed it in the gold tier after two years of release. It’s no surprise to see Steam staples like CSGO, PUBG and DOTA 2 in Platinum. Destiny 2, the game that costs around $100 a year to keep up with all its new content, is still making bank, despite being “free to play” at its baseline.
As for the most played games, which Steam measures by peak players, you will see some similarity between those lists, with a few exceptions:
Over 240,000 Peak Players

Over 130,000 Peak Players

I must have missed the uh, Goose Goose Duck craze, which I have to assume was inspired by some sort of Twitch phenomenon briefly. Other than that, we see other games crop up here that may not have made the revenue list like New World and ARK. But the general rule of thumb is…the more players you have, the more revenue you can rake in, depending on how you’re monetized.
Interesting data, as ever, showing the dream of games that keep bringing in bank year after year.
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