Google Photos is Getting New Organization Features

Google Photos is a tremendously useful resource for managing your photos and videos, both the ones that are stored on your phone and the ones that you want to store on the cloud. Organizing your photos can, however, be a bit of a pain sometimes. For instance, some phones lump screenshots together with your photos in the app, which means that there’s a lot more stuff in there that you probably want to see. Google is fixing some of these things now, thankfully.

Google Photos is introducing new AI-powered features to help you organize and declutter your photo gallery, because for a lot of people that’s desperately needed. One of the features, Photo Stacks, automatically groups similar photos taken close together, allowing you to easily identify the best shot that captures a specific moment. About a third of most people’s galleries consist of similar photos, especially if you’re the kind to take multiple pictures and choose the one that looks better. Photo Stacks aims to make galleries tidier by intelligently organizing these images. While AI does the initial grouping, you do have the option to manually choose your preferred top pick, modify stacks, or disable Photo Stacks at any time.

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The second enhancement focuses on screenshots and documents cluttering photo galleries. Google Photos now uses AI to categorize and organize screenshots and documents into albums such as ID, receipts, and event information. This categorization streamlines the process of finding specific items without scrolling through an entire gallery. Additionally, users can set reminders in their calendars directly from screenshots of tickets or event flyers, providing a practical way to revisit relevant information.

Finally, but not least importantly, to further optimize gallery organization, users have the option to automatically archive screenshots and documents after 30 days. This feature hides these items from the main gallery while keeping them accessible through dedicated albums.

These features are starting to roll out to Android devices, iPhone, and iPad, so you might be able to see them once you update the app. If they’re not visible for you yet, you might need a few days for them to roll out to your phone.

Source: Google


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